
4 Years (An Ode To Rik Mayall)

I honestly don’t really know where to start with this. 

Rik taught me so much throughout the time I have been one of his followers. Like how to accept love as well as give love to those deserving of it, to love everything and everyone, even if it’s hard, and to never take the world too seriously. 

He made so many smile. My grandad has always told me stories of how, in the 1980s, he and my grandma would sit and watch The Young Ones and laugh until they cried, forgetting about the world outside the comfort of their house walls. He did this for so many. 

He really did lift the depression of Britain in the 1980s. He knew what he was doing and he knew that the country had gone to shit. 

But, in his own wise words, he knew that if all it took to make people smile and forget about the bullshit was him making a complete twat out of himself, then he was more than happy to do it. 

People like Rik Mayall do not come around often, he truly was one of a kind. And I appreciate him a great amount. He’s helped me through the darkest moments of my depression, made me smile whatever mood I was in and he always made me laugh. Always. 

If I had one wish, it would be to go back to 2014 and give Rik a huge hug, and just tell him that everything is going to be okay. Because he was a lovely human being and he hurt nobody. Why was he taken this soon? 56 is too young to be taken. 

Nobody has ever made me smile, laugh, cry, or swoon as much as Rik has. He really is my absolute everything. 

And now, Rik, 4 years since your passing, I am still thinking of you every day, watching you on TV being a complete and utter bastard. And I know a lot of other people are currently doing the same thing. Thank you for being that rock for me, that shoulder to cry on and just thank you for being yourself. Thank you for doing this country a huge favour. I know you are looking down on us being all complete tossers getting all weepy and soppy over you, and I know you wouldn’t want that for us! You wouldn’t! But, it’s this day of the year in particular that just proves that you are deeply love and you are deeply missed and I wouldn’t dare love anyone else as much as I love you. A great father, a great friend, a great brother, and a great human. Even though I never truly knew you, I know you love us, your fans. And we love you. A hell of a lot. 

Thank you for the laughs, you glorious, glorious bastard. Continue being Dr THE Rik Mayall. Don’t party too hard, you beautiful angel. Love you always, 

Carys x

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